Translating To Your Needs -

Medicine, Law, Gaming, Fashion and everything else.

Translating English, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish.

The New School of Translation

In translation something is always lost, no two languages have the same conceptual understanding of the world. But in translation there is also creation and this is where we come in. We strive our utmost to deliver a translation which conveys your message and ideas in a new context. In this conflict with meaning, we work diligently to research, understand and create a satisfying result for you and your customers.

In our work we are flexible, always incorporating new ideas, tools and practises into our translations.
We’re well versed in European law, AI training, transcreation, and all around knowledgeable in our languages and their cultures/ intercultural contexts.

Contact Us

Sømose Hegn 78, 1. 2
2750 Ballerup, Denmark

Skype: live:Alexandravalbjorn

Translation Work

Devices, Journals, and Pharmaceuticals

Medicine is a field with many sides. The patients need to understand the complexities of their pharmaceuticals and medical devices. The doctors and caregivers need specific knowledge regarding their tools and their inner workings. The investors, inventors and all the inbetweeners need to be able to communicate in complex ways. Here we bring our knowledge and research expertise to make sure every facet of the work is being translated properly.

Translated, Tested, and Cherished

We here at Valbjørn Translation have an intimate relation to gaming. It has been a part of our history since the very beginning, our initial goal was to translate and be a part of the gaming industry. We have since expanded our goals and capacity, but it still sits close to our core motivations. We have experience in translating childrens games, mobile games, shooters, sports games, action games and much more.

AI, Gadgets and Software

Translating and configuring technology and AI requires a unique blend of technical expertise and linguistic finesse. As an intricate web of ones and zeros, technology speaks its own language, and it is the translator's role to bridge the gap between that language and human understanding. The challenge lies not only in accurately transposing the technical terminologies, but also in ensuring the seamless functionality of AI systems across different languages and cultures. Configuring AI to understand and respond appropriately to diverse linguistic nuances is a task that demands an in-depth understanding of both the technology and the target language.

Contact and Standard Rates

If you write us an email or contact us through our form, we will get back to you with an answer as fast as possible.

Our standard rates are as follow:
Translation: 100€ per 1000 words.
Review: 40€ per 1000 words.
Hourly LQA or similar: 50€ per hour.

If you have bigger tasks, long term collaborations or just if you want to negotiate/ offer different rates/ tasks you are also more than welcome to contact us, as we are open to giving discounts.